Happy New Years Everyone. Ever since Bret and I have been together we have always celebrated New Years BIG. We have always spent time with the same group of friends and on this night have always acted like idiots. It is the one night a year that we can act like teenagers and forget that we are adults. It is hilarious we have people with their Masters, Professional baseball player, parents, law enforcement, you name it, they are there and on that night all brains and talent are put to the side while we ring in the new year in style.
This year we had the party at our house and all of our friends came out from CA, that's how much we all look forward to this event each year. My mom and sister also came out and watched Mackenzie at a hotel. It was so cute, she went shopping with me for all of the party stuff and she so desperately wanted to come. I had to explain that this just wasn't an event for little ones, but that she could have her own party at the hotel. She picked out New Years plates, cups, party horns (she called them her instruments), food etc. She had a blast with my mom and sister and made it until 10:30. My sister was a genius, she found the ball drop on t.v. early for other places in the world so Mackenzie got to experience counting down from 10-1, giving kisses and using her instruments and then bless her heart she fell fast asleep.
Little did she know that her parents were acting like idiots. Each year for our New Years Parties we all wear silly, crazy and sometimes crude t-shirts and our pj's and then we just drink, dance and act crazy.... Keg Stands anyone?????
This year we played glow in the dark football outside, danced to the cha cha slide at midnight while all wearing glow in the dark hats, bracelets etc, and just acted crazy. Almost everyone made it to New Years....except my brother in law James, maybe next year James:) We all had a blast, blew off some steam and then were ready to return to our regular lives the next day!!! Happy New Year everyone, hope this year brings you everything that you hope for.
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